Everything about ur artstyle is sooo cool !!
The shadows , the lines and the colors ♡♡ ill follow u to see more of it !! Btw where did u get inspiration from to get this artstyle??
Everything about ur artstyle is sooo cool !!
The shadows , the lines and the colors ♡♡ ill follow u to see more of it !! Btw where did u get inspiration from to get this artstyle??
Thank you so much!!
My inspiration was the monsters designs in the nes-ps1 videogames era, the ancient things, the metal slug concept art and the old medieval art. also many mangakas. :D
Making newgrounds characters tattoos is such a creative idea !!! I love also the lighting in this ^-^very good drawing !!!
Those colors are to my eyes what good music is to my ears <333 i love this drawing and your artstyle !!
Wow !!! I love your artstyle and the way you shaded this drawing !!! You did a very good job ^_^
So many characters , and they r all well drawn !!! Epic !! :-P
DUDE !!! So much details !!! O_o This pixelart is soo impressive i love it <333
Good !! I like the color palette and the white outline :->
The effect u put over this art is such a good details ^^ i also love the way u stylized her
Bro... Ur art style and characters are *chef kiss*.. Im immediatly following u !!
Those colours r lovely <33 also alien hominid has such a cute blep :p
Noir jack Noir jack Noir jack Noir jack Noir jack Noir jack Noir jack Noir jack Noir jack Noir jack (nothing to see here, i dont post much on most social medias lol)
noir jacking
noir jack high
noir jack's house
Joined on 2/10/21